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We publish fiction and non-fiction eBooks, print books and audiobooks in all major genres and niches.

Publisher VLM Press is dedicated to making your publication a success. We offer a professional and personalized self-publishing solution, helping with the direction of your publication.
VLM Press' team of experts is qualified to offer the novice or professional writer a consultancy and support service.

Come be part of this select group of authors. To find out how to publish your book, contact us. Register now to receive our Newsletter.

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VLM Press - Premiações de literatura e design
Abel Fiorot

Abel Fiorot


ABEL FIOROT LOUREIRO is a writer, financial consultant and university professor.

Bianca Zimmer

Bianca Zimmer


BIANCA ZIMMER is a writer, financial consultant and businesswoman.

Bri Madden

Bri Madden


BRI MADDEN is a writer, philosophy student and body and soul therapist.

Christiany Rebelo

Christiany Rebelo


Christiany Rebelo is a writer, psychoanalyst and family therapist.

Celina Costa

Celina Costa


CELINA COSTA is a writer, athlete and motivator.

Edivaldo A Fontes

Edivaldo A Fontes


Edivaldo A Fontes is a writer, business consultant, businessman and publisher.

Elijah of the Hour

Elijah of the Hour


Elias da Hora is a writer, businessman and motivator.

Emanuel Carvalho

Emanuel Carvalho


Emanuel Carvalho is a writer and pastor of New Hope Brazilian Church.

Franci Fontes

Franci Fontes


Franci Fontes is a writer, speaker and influencer.

Jaime Zimmer

Jaime Zimmer


Jaime Zimmer is a writer, financial consultant and coach.

Julia Jannuzzi

Julia Jannuzzi


Julia Jannuzzi is a writer, psychologist specializing in positive psychology.

Josélia Zaparolli

Josélia Zaparolli


Josélia Zaparolli is a writer, Portuguese and English teacher, and theologian.

Lidia Souza

Lidia Souza


Lidia Souza writer, journalist, pedagogue, specialized in marketing

Luiz A Matheus

Luiz A Matheus


Luiz Antonio Matheus is a writer, degree in Aeronautical Sciences and Administration.

Luis Madrid

Luis Madrid


Luiz Madrid is a writer, poet, photographer and foreign trade specialist.

Luciano Nasso

Luciano Nasso


Luciano Nasso has a PHD in Coaching in Personal Development.

Lucio Santana

Lucio Santana


Lucio Santana is a writer, entrepreneur and real estate financing specialist.

Luciano Oliveira

Luciano Oliveira


Luciano Oliveira is a writer, master coach, speaker and presenter.

Mark Morais

Mark Morais


Mark Morais is a writer, international and business immigration lawyer.

Mickey Augustine

Mickey Augustine


Mickey Augustine is a writer, bachelor in social works from FAU.

Penha Tavares

Penha Tavares


Penha Tavares is a writer, businesswoman and theologian.

Tatiana Gonçalves

Tatiana Gonçalves


Tatiana Gonçalves is a writer, life coach and speaker.

Odijas Caminha

Odijas Caminha


Odijas Caminha is a writer, holds a master's degree in accounting, and founder of OGC Associates.

Paulo Garcia

Paulo Garcia


Paulo Garcia is a writer, businessperson, social activist and coach.

Rickson Amorim

Rickson Amorim


Rickson Amorim is a writer, specialist in risk management and financial planning.

Stephen Albertine

Stephen Albertine


Stephen C Albertine is a writer, experienced immigration lawyer, corporation and real estate.

Wellyngton Ribeiro

Wellyngton Ribeiro


Wellyngton Ribeiro is a writer, marketing director and entrepreneur.

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Meet Our Directors

President, Founder and Editor of VLM Press. Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, with a degree in Administration and Foreign Trade, Theologian with Master's degree in the United States, Experienced in International Business Management, Web Developer, Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategist. Author of books: Self-discovery, Stay Free, America and Men of Great Valor.

Edivaldo A Fontes

CEO and Editor in Chief

Publications Director, affiliated with ABI-Inter in 2018, holds a Master's degree in Psychology. With a degree in History, Education, Psychoanalysis and Theology. Didactics specialist, personal and business marketing, contextual review, content review and editorial coherence. Author of the best-selling Seasoned with Salt, Personal Reconstruction and co-author of the book Men of Great Valor.

Christiany Rebelo

Publications Director

Text Proofreader. Experienced communications professional, worked at Worked at Cultura FM, FM Province in Belém. She is currently an announcer at Esperança FM, in São Luiz, MA.
Graduated in Social Communication – Qualification in Journalism from Estácio
Elce Ribeiro

Text Proofreader, VLM Press


VLM Press offers the writer a range of options that meet their needs from creation to publication of the book.

Três razões para escrever o livro dos seus sonhos
What Is Self-Publishing?

Self-publishing is the act of publishing media, without using a traditional publisher (which holds most of the copyright and control of the book's distribution). When self-publishing a book, the author completes the entire process, how to edit, design and format without the influence of a traditional publisher.

One of the benefits of self-publishing is a higher profit margin, control of content and complete autonomy over the publishing process. The author will publish a book using their own resources, with the help of a self-publishing platform, such as VLM Press and typically retains all rights to the book, being responsible for the sale and distribution of the work. VLM Press is a self-publishing publisher that helps the writer produce the book without retaining any part of the copyright.

VLM Press is a Distributor?

Although VLM Press offers assistance to the writer and guides the process of distributing and selling the book,, does not offer distribution and sales services.

How Text Proofing Is Done?

Text review is done in two stages:

  1. Initial Review word for word – It is required in the initial stage of the book editing process. This careful review seeks to identify and eliminate possible grammatical and typing errors.
  2. Final Review word for word – At this stage, a thorough spelling check is carried out., a real grammar audit, and adaptation to the VLM Press Style Manual.
What is Copy Editing (Copy Editing)?

Copy editing is part of Editorial Coherence, exclusive service from VLM Press, which focuses on the technical aspects of the manuscript, ensuring the writing meets standards for your book's industry or niche. A professional text editor focuses on:

  • Consistency of story elements(plot, scenario, characters etc.)
  • Spelling errors, grammar and syntax
  • Omitted words
  • Writing style consistency
  • Vague and imprecise statements
  • Any errors that went unnoticed during the editing process
What is the Final Reading (Proof Reading)?

O Proof Reading (Final Review) is the last necessary step in the editing process – and the final stop before the book goes to print. Although proofreading can make substantial changes (how to fix inconsistent spelling or hyphenations) in the language of the manuscript, the role of the reviewer is more about quality assurance.

At this stage it is not the role of the final review to correct, rewrite or remake the text, but the professional proofreader inspects your work and looks for outright errors, as:

  • Misspelled names
  • Wrong/bad URLs
  • Numbers that don't add up in a table
  • Duplicate words
  • Lost words
  • Any forgotten errors
What is Editorial Advisory?

VLM Pres publisher makes the dream of publishing a book a reality. Our experience has shown that writers need guidance to produce text that communicates their message clearly and reaches their target audience.. The writer only needs to worry about producing the text. From this point on, VLM Press takes care of all the details. Our packages include an exclusive editorial advisory and criticism service that guides the writer in producing a best-seller, not just another book.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a brief statement of facts in a news story, that needs to be convincing, written by a public relations professional and sent to members of the media. The purpose of a press release is to spark media interest in an event, information, product or service. The press release must contain all essential information (who? what? where? when? as? and most importantly why?) so that the journalist can easily produce their own story. A press release should be read like news, written in third person, containing quotes, sources and information in accordance with the press release standard.

What is Line Editing (Line Editing)?

Line editing is part of Editorial Coherence, exclusive service from VLM Press that focuses on the creative elements of your story, such as the writing style and the use of language in each sentence (or on each line). Although your line editor also detects simple grammatical errors, The main focal points are:

  • Repeated phrases and unnecessary/overused words
  • Information redundancies
  • Tone changes
  • Unnatural/inconsistent sentences
  • Narrative confusion and character dialogue
  • Pace improvements
  • General communication of the story
  • Text inconsistency
What is the Difference between Copy Editing and Line Editing??

While copy editing scours every sentence, word, letter and punctuation mark to look for errors, line editing takes a more holistic approach. Your line editor will answer these key questions when examining the writing of your manuscript:

  • Your language is clear, fluid and pleasant to read?
  • You convey a sense of atmosphere, emotion and tone?
  • Do your words convey precise meaning or are you using broad generalizations and clichés?
What's Included in the Line Editing Service?

The line editor will discover opportunities for improvement throughout your manuscript. In addition to suggesting different words, phrases and ideas that can clarify or improve the book, the line editor will review elements such as:

  • Correction of incoherent writing constructions.
  • Eliminating redundancies to improve sentences.
  • Review of the main aspects of the manuscript (narrative, vocabulary, structure, characterization, style and development).
  • Editor's Notes, general suggestions and comments to improve the text.

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